Rosenthal are tapping into the return of floral with Grand Air, a new floral décor designed by Swiss textile designer Regula Stüdli.
The almost transparent porcelain body underlines the elegance and lightness of the graceful floral décor. Fragrant herbs such as rosemary, thyme and lavender, bright meadow flowers such as nasturtium and marigold combined with the filigree beauty of cosmea, come together with other edible wild flowers such as cornflower, pansies and daisies in the picturesque flowerbed. Slightly poisonous flowers used as medicines glow a delicate pink. Dinner and bread plates as well as saucers in soft sage green provide freshness and tranquillity and contrast with the white bone china.
The designer Regula Stüdli is one of the best-known textile designers in Switzerland. After studying at the University of Art and Design in Zurich, she worked for over ten years in the creation department of the renowned Swiss textile company Jakob Schlaepfer. Regula has been working independently since July 2012 and creates motifs, symbols and decorations of sparkling vitality for fashion companies and the interior and architecture sectors. For Rosenthal, she has designed the décors Brillance Fleurs Sauvages, Fleurs des Alpes, Maria Pink Rose, Sanssouci Chambre Bleue and Maria Winter Rose, among others. Regula currently also teaches textile design at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Grand Air is available from end of March 2022.